I drove to Kansas on December 28th to sign for out new house on Fort Riley. I can't leave out that we finally got the house on post that we wanted!!! I was early getting to Fort Riley, so I wasted some time at the PX and got some move in necessities....toilet paper and a Starbucks Grande Pepermint Mocha (yummo!). Then it was off the neighborhood office. As I was pulling into tge parking lot Bruce sent me a text saying we had orders. Freaking orders? We aren't even back on Riley yet!! Where to? Fort Sill, Freakin' Oklahoma!! Barf! But we won't report until July.
But the night ended well. I had signe for the new house and got to celebrate my friend Reyna @ Glamour Glory's birthday with her!
This wasnt before I had to stop by the mall and spent some Christmas money...and I bought these awesome new heels...
The next day I was back to Oklahoma to move out of my apartment. Which is why Im living in a tanning room. ••• I have moved everything into storage. I am waiting to get a job in Kansas before me and the boys move up. I have applied for a few positions as an Army Civilian Nurse (so cross those fingers & toes!). As soon as I get a job we are off. I can't wait BECAUSE....Bruce will re-deploy back to Kansas next month!!! Whoop Whoop!
Really the whole point of this post is to say, my computer is in storage and I am letting you know I not MIA. I almost forgot that I have blogger on my iPhone, so I will update y'all as often ad I can. I'm still working like crazy to get some $$ before I move.
I hope Santa was as good to you as he was to me and my family! Happy New Year!! I hope it's filled with a whole freakin' lot of peace, love, health and happiness!!!
Until next time...
- Britt.