...or is that 38 weeks pregnant?
I had my 36 week appointment with my midwife today. Kyson is measuring at 37 weeks and head down (way down). I have gained (GASP!) 30lbs...5 of those pounds have to be in my new found cankles.
But here is the thing...am I 36, 37, or 38 weeks? My midwife gave me a copy of my records to take with me to Oklahoma just in case I go into labor there. When I got home and started reading it I was beyond pissed. I was frustrated and still am. I have been given 4 due dates. And they are sticking with the farthest one..."just to be safe".
I am due Dec. 19th according to an early ultrasound done at 6wks. I know that is supposed to be the most accurate due date, but when you are this freaking HUGE...who cares what that ultrasound said 8 months ago!
Dec 15th according to ovulation. I took ovulation tests, so I know that date.
I am due Dec. 10th according to my LMP. This is the one date I absolutely do not agree with because I know when I ovulated.
But get this!...at 20 weeks (thats 20 weeks if you go by the Dec.19th due date) I had an ultrasound and Kyson measured way big. That ultrasound says that my due date is (drum roll please) Dec. 6th!!!! Thats TWO...thats right, TWO weeks away!
So am I 36, 37, or 38 weeks pregnant?!! I have been saying that I feel farther along and that I feel like I could have him sooner than my (Dec. 19th) due date...and now I feel like it even more, knowing that I may be due in 2 weeks. At every appt Kyson has measured a little over 1 week bigger than what I am. So who knows! I am not dilated yet, but "starting to"...so yeah... that gives me a little hope.
Im just hoping that one night, very very soon, these contractions keep going!